#2 Dings electromagnet self-cleaning severe-duty overhead cross belt 36” width, Dings overhead crossbelt self-cleaning electromagnet
Dings suspension magnet belt width 36” - with belt-armor clad 24” wide,
This magnet consist of 3 separate magnets with the right magnet adjustable left or right with a powered mechanical screw-type mechanism, We don't have the Rectifier, but is available thru the MFG/Dings, approximate outside dimensions: length 14 ft 6 inches, width 6 ft 2 inches, approximate weight 11,300 lbs., suspension stand and turnbuckles available, Call for a delivered price
Left Magnet Info: watts product # , part # serial#, volts DC
Center Magnet Info: watts , product # OH, part # 1, serial#, volts DC
Right Magnet Info: watts , product # OH, part # , serial#1 , volts DC
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