60-inch dust cyclone
Overall cyclone length: 12’ 6”ft add 2’ for vortex breaker
Cyclone bottom discharge 16”ID /with vortex breaker 12”diameter:
Vortex breaker length 25 ½”/ 12” discharge
STAND Width: 102” wide, 9 ft 6 inches deep
Legs: width 84” x 65 inches deep, length 102 inches tall
Overall height when installed including rail 12ft.
Buyer will need to verify that the stand meets safety standards and other structural standards for the for the cyclone and attachments including all welds.
Shipping measurements for stand: 8 1/2ft wide, 12ft long and 9 1/2ft tall
Railing 42” tall
Dirty air inlet: 14”
Clean Air outlet: 14”
Bottom clean-out/ inspection door, and top bolt-on lid
Airlock available- sold separately
Prior use was in wood dust
Cyclone and stand were primed and painted blue in 8/2022
Price includes loading
We have several other cyclones, dust collectors, airlock and fans in our inventory
contact us for a shipping rate
Weight of the cyclone only 1,700 lbs.
support stand weight only 1,000lbs.+-
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